WWF Canada is the leading organization for ground-breaking global conservation work, with the ultimate goal of protecting life on Earth. From advocating for our most vulnerable species to implementing sophisticated scientific conservation solutions, the WWF team works locally and globally to be an active voice that champions action to conserve our planet.
Ryan collaborated with WWF Canada to bring the vision for their new Living Planet Technology Hub to life. This first of its kind digital platform showcases how WWF uses cutting-edge conservation technologies and plays host to game-changing challenges that will inspire and incubate the next generation of conservation solutions.
The new Living Planet Technology Hub presented a great opportunity for WWF Canada to align themselves with the world of tech and innovation. The site needed to establish WWF as a leader in this emerging sector while retaining the integrity of their iconic brand. Known for their bold panda logo and immersive wild-life photography, our approach needed to center these powerful assets at the core of the Hub’s user experience.
Our process began by engaging project staff and stakeholders, including researchers, academic partners and WWF donors through a series of survey and workshop activities. The resulting audience personas and needs assessments shaped a streamlined navigation system and page structure, which allows visitors to control the depth and detail of their experience.

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